Play is done for its own sake- it may even seem purposeless. For clients who feel out of control (all clients?), a non-demanding experience is a welcome change and a chance to regain control.
Play is voluntary. Even for the mandated client, the experience is invitational and promotes freedom.
Play has an inherent attraction. There is a magnetic quality to activities that promote freedom and growth.
Play involves a freedom from time. For therapy clients, slavery to time can be magnified. Play and sandtray therapy offers a respite from the captivity of pain and chaos.
Play helps diminish the consciousness of self. All clients have a degree of self-consciousness that limits their growth. A play/sandtray experience takes the focus off of this negative self-talk and promotes positive self-awareness.
Play has an improvisational potential.
Play develops a continuation desire. In a world of work- therapy is certainly work-an activity that promotes a desire to reengage is powerful.
More than "just" Play or Art
Additional Websites and articles
Play Therapy Association Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0DXBcxC-d63IZDtMzzFotA
PsychologyToday.com: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapy-types/play-therapy
Play Therapy.org: http://playtherapy.org/Helping-Children/About-Play-Therapy